Menü İçerik

If you do not repeat, you cannot renew...

There is no obstacle to repeat things which happened in history. If such is the case, something which has blossomed can flourish again.  Every tree which comes into leaf first strikes roots in its consciousness.

As members or as successors, to use a more accurate expression, of a civilisation, which proved itself with its tradition, science and wisdom, we have to set out on the road...

Those who have got exceptional knowledge and talents have got undoubtedly corresponding responsibilities.

We cannot accept that someone works on our behalf and harvests the results and nobody can also accept that we just remain onlookers. 

We have to feel ourselves responsible and look out for ways to be beneficial for the Ummah and the whole of humanity and we need to recognise these as fundamental duties.

In fact we were put on the road. It calls for us and pulls us and we just hope to meet things which are on the way. 


Of course, on the road...

To overcome the darkness means to overcome the road...

You cannot discover by exploring, yet every discoverer was an explorer...

The explorers and discoverers are those who we are looking for...

It’s time to set out on the road

In the hope to meet at the UNIDAY with those who are on the road